Thursday, March 23, 2006

Weight Training Is Not Aerobics

We (Linda Kravitz and I) conducted another class recently on Weight Training for Women. This class expected that we were going to have a "group" weight training class. Imagine 30 plus newbie women in one small classroom pumping heavy iron all at once - I'm sure we'd be sued for 30 plus back and neck injuries.

Weight training is a relatively solitary activity - the group gym classes that involve lifting light weights are aerobic - a 3 lb. dumbbell in the hand doth not a weight training workout make!

I often worry that as women, we tend to seek "communal experiences". We are put off by weight training because it can't take place in a group setting. Well, lest we all end up in group injury, group weight training is off limits. Meanwhile, maybe we women should work on being more narcissistic and less "communal" - - -

Ciao for now! Janet


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